these days images of us flood my head
it's funny how in 8 years how many places two people can go to
how many memories two people can make
how in 8 years you can go from the epitome of best friends to no longer exsiting to each other
yes i miss you
more than anything
and i want more than anything to show up at you house to see you
sometimes when i pass it i want to walk up it's
old brown stairs and press 1a
but i don't
because i know that if i did i wouldn't reach you
your gone lost forever
and in your place a girl who you would hate
i hate
she's nothing like you
so i don't go to your house
don't look at you at parties
don't call you up
don't know you anymore
so when these days images of us flood my head
i think of a girl i used to know
and of a girl i do not know